How to create a Text Rich Area field in flow?






Hello There,

As we know that we can not create a rich text area field in Salesforce Lightning flow. In this blog post, we will see how we can use a Lightning web component to act as a rich text area.

Complete Code

You will get the complete code from Here.

Create a Lightning Web Component

Create a LWC component and name it richTextArea or you can give it any other name as well.

For the .js-meta.xml field use below code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">
    <masterLabel>Rich Text Area</masterLabel>
    <!-- Configuring the design attributes -->
        <targetConfig targets="lightning__FlowScreen">

            <property name="label" type="String" label="Label to Display" default="Message" 
                        description="The Lable to display"/>
            <property name="placeholder" type="String" label="Enter the Place Holder" 
                        description="Enter the Place Holder to display inside text area rich"/>
            <property name="value" type="String" label="Value to show on text area rich or get from text area rich"
                        description="Value to show on text area rich or get the value from LWC to Flow Builder"/>
            <property name="required" type="Boolean" default="false" label="Required?"
                        description="Indicates if the text area rich field is required or not?"/>
            <property name="requiredMessage" type="String" default="⚠️ Value is required for this field" 
                        label="Message when value missing" 
                        description="The error message to be displayed when the value is missing if the field is required."/>

Code Explanation

1labelThe label to display for Rich Text Area field
3requiredIndicates either the field is required or not
4requiedmessageIf required, which message we need to display to user if the field is blank

To execute the flow action and for flow support we need to import some actions from lightning/flowSupport library

import { FlowAttributeChangeEvent, FlowNavigationNextEvent, FlowNavigationFinishEvent, FlowNavigationBackEvent, FlowNavigationPauseEvent } from 'lightning/flowSupport';

to perform the validation for the field, we need to use a method with @api anonation in salesforce lwc javascript.

    validate() {
        if( this.validateInput() ) { 
            return { 
                isValid: true 
        } else { 
            return { 
                isValid: false, 
                errorMessage: this.requiredMessage 

Configure Component in Flow

  1. Create a flow or edit the flow where you wanted to use the rich text area field.
  2. Drag & Drop the LWC inside the Screen element

Complete Code

You will get the complete code from Here.

Thanks for reading. Happy Learning

Amit Singh
Amit Singh
Amit Singh aka @sfdcpanther/pantherschools, a Salesforce Technical Architect, Consultant with over 8+ years of experience in Salesforce technology. 21x Certified. Blogger, Speaker, and Instructor. DevSecOps Champion
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